
Clothing Closet

Our closet is open to all who are in search of clothing. For an individual, you can check in with a photo ID. If you are shopping for children, you’ll need to bring in a copy of their birth certificate. Due to space constraints, we open portions of our closet 

Action Family

Through the Action Family program, the Lubbock Dream Center offers health and wellness initiatives to help families in our community break generational patterns, and live healthier, more abundant lives.

Adopt a Block

This is frontline ministry, where the church really does leave the building. We walk the neighborhood picking up trash, inviting neighborhood kids and families to our ministry events, praying with our Dream Center neighbors on their doorstep, and discovering more ways the Lubbock Dream Center can impact our local community.

Helping Hands

Not afraid of sore muscles and manual labor? Share your time and talents for kingdom impact. A few oil changes, a little paint on a house, and some serious large item trash removal is the way we like to demonstrate the love of Christ in our community through Helping Hands.

Pearson VUE Test Center

The Lubbock Dream Center joins the Pearson VUE Network to offer accessible and secure GED Certification Testing. Please visit to view available dates for testing at our location. Be sure to stay updated as we continue to add more accessible and secure certification testing to our site.

GED Test Preparation Classes

The Lubbock Dream Center partners with Literacy Lubbock to provide high school equivalency test prep classes for GED Certification Exams.

English as a Secondary Language Classes

Through our partnership with Literacy Lubbock, the Lubbock Dream Center offers English as a Second Language Classes & Conversation Cafe, allowing people to engage in an everyday conversation setting.

Back to School Bash

Before the start of a new school year, the Lubbock Dream Center gives away over 1500 backpacks filled with age-appropriate school supplies for families in need to ensure that children start off their year with confidence.

Turkey Day Giveaway

Turkey Day Giveaway is an annual event where hundreds of volunteers fill our campus to prep and give out boxes of food to bless families in need of a Thanksgiving meal. Families are chosen through the schools we partner with and registered before the event.

Family to Family Christmas

Every year we create gift baskets for the New Legacy Home ladies and their families to bless them during Christmas time. We also host a local toy drive where  toys can be dropped off at the Lubbock Dream Center and then gifted to families in need.

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